Volkswagen Slovakia, a. s.

Migration to SharePoint 2010 Enterprise

SharePoint 2010 Enterprise

Problem of the customer:

The customer passed from the version SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 Enterprise. They were looking for reliable experts for migration of documents, who would ensure a problem-free course of migration in short period of time.


The installation of new environment of SharePoint 2010 was performed at first at the customer. Subsequently, the migration of data was done from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 Enterprise. It was necessary to preserve availability of original links, as well as the set of access authorizations. The customer was trained for the utilization of properties of the newest version.

The company uses the SharePoint as:
  • management and circulation of documents (DMS),
  • collaboration,
  • search,
  • project management,
  • meetings and tasks.

Central repository of documents with specific properties

SharePoint 2013 Enterprise

Problem of the customer:

The customer has decided for the transition to the version SharePoint 2013 Enterprise. From the new system they expected a centrally interconnected system of repositories of documents and information for individual departments. For a simple search, each document should be marked by a set of beforehand defined key words. The requirement of customer was specially to adapt the system to specific requirements of each department. The system was to simplify the activities of individual departments, but at the same time it should not disturb the system of their work. A significant feature of the system was the search on the level of entire enterprise, as well as on the level of individual departments, namely on the basis of access permissions.


At first the SharePoint 2013 Enterprise was installed and configured at the customer. All documents were stored into the central repository of documents, which complied with the requirements for entire enterprise. For individual departments of enterprise, the modules were configured according to their concrete specific features, so that they would adequately meet their needs; modules are different on the basis of character of stored documents and information. Each document was marked by a set of beforehand defines key words. The indexation of documents and information after their storing to the system facilitates the searching at the enterprise-wide level, as well as at the level of individual departments.

The company uses SharePoint as:
  • management and circulation of documents (DMS),
  • search,
  • categorization of documents.

Tool for management of meetings, tasks and minutes of them

SharePoint 2013 Enterprise

Problem of the customer:

The customer wanted to create a system, which would control and manage the meetings, tasks and minutes of them. They expected from the new system the evaluation of fulfilment of the tasks in the form of KPI, as well as the notification on state of individual tasks.


The system was created at the customer for the management of entire process of meetings at various levels of management. The part of each meeting there is the creation of minutes and tasks, resulting from the meeting. The system is not only the repository of these documents, but it looks at the entire life cycle of fulfilment of tasks from meetings and it creates various reports and news (e.g. Gantt’s diagram) from them.

The company uses the SharePoint as:
  • organizational agenda,
  • meetings and tasks,
  • project management.

Pages of campaigns, which are realized in the company

SharePoint 2013 Enterprise

Problem of the customer:

The customer wanted to create a system, which would inform the employees and help them in the course of various internal campaigns of the company (e.g. the introduction of new printers in entire company, the migration to a new operating system). In addition to the information function, the system should serve also as Helpdesk in the case of a failure.


The system was created at the customer, which informs about ongoing campaigns in the company. The system was built as a page of company’s intranet, where the news from the IT world are published. Employees have the possibility to find out, how the campaign is going on. Besides other things, the page always serves as Helpdesk, where a concrete requirement is directed directly to a competent administrator, who knows to solve the problem immediately. The system maintains the database of replaced devices.

The company uses the SharePoint as:
  • helpdesk,
  • meetings and tasks,
  • ad hoc data bases.